You *sing* together? You aerosolise all your lung germs as hard as humanly possible, in a room filled with people you don't even live with? Where I'm from, such a disgusting practice would never be tolerated.

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I may be taking this post too seriously, but here’s something I noticed a long time ago: I sang in choirs and did musical theatre as a kid, but that kind of singing was always totally different in my mind from communal singing (e.g. at the synagogue, singing “Happy Birthday” at parties, etc.). I did not use my head voice in public, except for performance.

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I've been thinking about this for years - it does feel sometimes like a society where everyone's decided, for no particular reason, to refrain from kissing - but I assumed it was simply our culture being dumb for no particular reason (like how we don't do sign language); it hadn't occurred to me that the cause might be some kind of superstimulus-induced inferiority complex. I guess we do the same thing with baseball.

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Electronic music has this problem more than most. There's no folk tradition, no hymns or lullabies. Music is not reproduced but produced. My solution: shitty YouTube DAWless jam videos with 100 views. I find them by looking by the kind of gear used. Choose a groove box, you can then find authentic amateur reasonably-bad music by searching it's name.

To trade even more quality away for increased originality, try modular synthesizers too.

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I guess even on Earth regularly participating in group singing is pretty common among Protestants.

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When I first heard about the Taliban, my thought was "but isn't forbidding music just from satire"? I was probably thinking of The Yellow Submarine.

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I have lived for a long time in an environment, on this very Earth (somewhat peripheral) with a lot of (mostly "trad", so acoustic and singing and tunes NOT written for one in a milion are common) musicians or people who at least dabble. And I've seen this again and again: "When you make music with someone, you trust them more, you want to cooperate with them, you’re more likely to make small sacrifices that bring them great joys, you feel like you’re all on the same team." -- and I've rarely felt more outside and not involved in something close to magic or a certain kind of communion perhpas. So I know what the accident of genetics made me lose. Those Earthlings who can, very much should!

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I was discouraged from singing when I was a kid in the sixties, and I don't think that was uncommon. There's a cultural problem, but I don't think it's from super-stimulus music

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Out of character, this was originally a reducto ad absurdam argument about porn as a superstimulus which I ended up being delighted by for its own sake.

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tbh I was expecting it to go in this direction...

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This is one of my soapboxes! <3

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I love this!

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this was a very sweet read, thank you. "And worst of all, no one seems to know what they’ve lost." <3

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