I thought payday loans were a less-bad alternative for people who don't have any other access to banking.

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Oh, good point. I don't have a strong opinion on the object-level issue but it's ambiguous enough that it's worth cutting the example, since the post is not about the merits of payday loans.

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> You should also practice salary negotiation. The half-hour you spend negotiating your salary may well be one of the most important half hours in your life as an altruist. I know that it can be terrifying, but—as strange as it might sound—having the courage to ask for a higher salary is heroic. It’s one of the simplest things you can do to save children’s lives.

It can be terrifying indeed and therefore it's not just half an hour. There might be things you can to to prepare for salary negotiations or overcome the barrier to do them at all. It would take time and deliberate practice to develop the right mindset and skills - that time counts in, and might be an investment well worth it.

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Might also be worth to check out the new career advice org https://www.probablygood.org which I think is aiming at something less intimidating than 80,000 hours.

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