My googling suggests that the "Max has 16 lines" tidbit is from The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2), and that he has more than that in Fury Road (this post says 63: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/gbjt9t/mad_max_in_fury_road_only_had_63_lines_of/ ).

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Max only having 16 lines of dialogue in The Road Warrior is an urban myth. When I first encountered the claim I was skeptical, so I personally dug up the script of The Road Warrior and counted, and the total is around 40. You don't have to take my word for it though, someone else has done it and posted the receipts: https://www.mutedhorn.net/mad-max-2-dialogue

However, The Road Warrior is 96 minutes long with 40 lines, while Fury Road is 120 minutes long with 63. That means that former film Max has 0.42 lines per minute, while the latter Max has 0.53 lines per minute. That come out to Max being 26% more talkative that in Fury Road than in the Road Warrior. In practice a bit more than that, as I believe his lines in Fury Road do tend to be longer. I don't care to go through both scripts to word count them, but I would guess Max is overall about 1/3 more talkative in Fury Road than in Road Warrior.

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> Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues and anti-sex-slavery activist, consulted on Fury Road to make sure that the Wives’ psychology was accurate.

The book probably doesn't explain this in much detail but I really want to know what kind of guidance she gave them.

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It actually goes pretty in depth, you can borrow my copy and read it.

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There’s a Wikipedia article dedicated to Miller’s unrealized projects: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Miller%27s_unrealized_projects

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