The forum-moderation article is rather appalling. The section on how to handle suicidal members in particular is horrible, and a good reminder to use a VPN and be careful not to give personal information online.

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The "email she wrote a decade ago" link probably goes to the wrong page.

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“Effective altruists no longer own a castle.“

Do they still own the chateau?: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/pbe8x4AQDqftQoaT5/espr-should-return-the-ftx-funded-chateau

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It looks like China has involuntarily civil commitment.


Is it practiced differently in China or just not as well known by common Chinese people?

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For years I have done lots of 'try to beat the markets trades'. I almost always run there by people I know at good hedge funds (Jane street, Jump. etc. Im not sure Bwater is actually good at trading but a close friend is there so bwater weighs in a lot!). A very common reaction is 'I wish I could get my fund to do that trade'. Even quite open minded hedge funds usually aren't that open minded.

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The very last one about names is written in such an obnoxious style. Yes, it's annoying if your first and last names are the same and an online form demands both to be different. But if you have no name or go by six different names at the same time or so, I get that this is probably super annoying, but no company is forced to serve you; just get a simpler name or at least don't write an article this obnoxious. (I get that the author is the annoying one not actually the people with the weird names.) Apart from this the article was actually very interesting, I'd love to see an example for each wrong assumption.

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