The slug using the running wheel feels deeply meaningful to me. Why does he do it? Not for any reason that makes sense to me. And yet he runs . . .

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> “I’m pretty sure that the Web browser is one of the “dens of iniquity” that I keep hearing about on Fox News; I would verify this using a Web search, but a Web search would require me to use a browser, AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT BICOASTAL LIBERAL ELITES WANT ME TO DO.”

Oh ha, I thought that sounded like James Mickens, but I didn't remember that one and was confused because I read the quoted text more seriously than intended.

Anyway he's written a whole bunch of these if you're not aware! You can find links to all of them here: https://mickens.seas.harvard.edu/wisdom-james-mickens

IMO, the best one is "The Slow Winter": https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/mickens/files/theslowwinter.pdf

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I've been obsessed with "This World of Ours" for forever.

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