> For example, chickens will peck keys in order to receive food, but won't peck keys in order to get litter for their floors. Chickens find this too confusing. Pecking leads to food! Pecking does not lead to floor litter! That makes no sense!

Huh, what are other examples of this?

(Also, as Pablo notes, the link to the paper is broken. Guessing you probably linked to some cached copy or something that is now expired?)

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Great post! I get access denied for the "pecking keys for litter" study

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i'm almost certain it's "Reinforcing properties of access to litter in hens".

here's a non-expiring link: https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1016/0168-1591(86)90127-9

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This post creates warm fuzzy feelings of some kind for me, which may not have been the goal but does seem plausibly associated with quality?

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