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Has anyone estimated the _benefits_ that animals receive from humans?

If we decreased Type 3 and Type 4 harms, e.g. among birds, but that resulted in, say, the same number of birds dying of starvation, is that still a net improvement?

I'd like to see some further improvements to Types 1 and 2! I'd actually appreciate my grocery store labeling animal products with a 'harm score' – if I didn't think that the producers would just game it. I'd be happy to trade money/alternatives to reduce harm.

I find it a little horrifying that we've bred domesticated animals. I'm not sure I'd endorse doing that originally. Maybe that's a good argument for not benefiting them now.

What's your own 'moral goal' in this area? Would we, ideally, completely vacate Earth and leave it to the rest of life and never interfere again?

I'm not sure myself. I'm not sure what's the most (or least) that we can 'morally' claim of Earth.

I'm not actually _entirely_ sure that it's okay for us to live in space and, e.g. mine asteroids or build bases on planets/moons. Are we 'defacing' the universe by exploiting it? Are any 'ways of making a living' for us even possibly moral?

For now, I'm definitely open to trades that reduce the harm to or suffering of other living things.

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