Great post! Would you consider cross-posting with the EA Forum?

> I suspect the numbers are equally dire with regards to people from developing countries, nonwhite people, political conservatives, people who didn’t go to an Ivy League or Oxbridge university, and people with resumes that are just, you know, kind of weird.

I think you're right about all those except the last one, where I suspect that EA grantmakers are in fact over-represented with people who's resumes are kind of weird.

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From the perspective of a student in the described cluster, what can I do to notice when I'm thinking in a certain way/making certain assumptions/...?

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I think it's helpful to read books from a diverse set of perspectives, talk to a diverse set of people, etc., but in a certain sense it's not really possible? You're *always* going to approach things from your own life experiences and worldview. That's as true for a developing-world lesbian of color as for a straight white man from the developed world, and there's nothing wrong with it-- but it is important to get input from a variety of perspectives.

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That makes sense, thank you! I'll try to learn being a better listener :)

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