Mar 31, 2023Liked by Ozy Brennan

So so so pleased to be in the 5% that laughed.

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That Marilyn Frye essay is excellent, and less inflammatory than I was worried it might be. I bet that lesbians find communicating about sex harder than heterosexuals because your friend group and dating group tend to overlap more. It's weird to talk about your sex life with your friends when that means you are telling them about another friend's sex life. I don't know the extent to which this is true for gay men, though. My impression is that they're a lot less likely to sleep with their friends.

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95%? I would expect way more of your readership to be on Tumblr to one degree or another. May be wrong. Did you ever do a survey or even an informal show-of-hands? Thank you for a fun post as ever, though, in any case.

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As the article on pescetarianism says

> Fortunately, there’s a simple way out of this dilemma, one that is better for both animals and the climate: instead of swapping one animal for another, eat fewer animals of any species and more plants.

How is that not obvious? Do people really think pescetarianism is “eat as much meat as you used to, but now only fish”?

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That Ngo post is excellent, if the insight isn't exactly new. My biggest problem with hedonic utilitarianism is that I can't intuit their "pleasure" as monist. "Pleasure" seems like a wide variety of positive-valence experiences that they've crammed into a single natural language word. But this does not a monism make. So since we're all really pluralists anyway, why insist on keeping other intuitively positive experiences out of the club?

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